Arabic is read from right to left
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The basic Arabic alphabet contains 28 letters, some of them do not exist in English. It also has 3 short vowels, 3 long vowels, plus sukoon, plus shadda, plus 3 kinds of tanween. To help you learn how to read Arabic, I gave a link with enough examples of all the above, using Arabic letters with complete vowelization (shakle).
See the links :
كَتَبَتْ سالي كِتاباً
katabat saalee kitaaban. (Sally wrote a book.)
كَتَبْتُ كِتاباً
ka كَ
ta تَ
b بْ
tu تُ
katabtu kitaaban. (I wrote a book.)
كَتَبْتَ كِتاباً
katabta kitaaban. (You =masc, singular= wrote a book.)
كَتَبْتِ كِتاباً
katabti kitaaban. (You =feminine, singular= wrote a book.)
سَرَقَ بِلْ سِرْوالاً
saraqa bil sirwaalan (Bill stole a pair of trousers.)
سَرَقَتْ هِنْدُ سِرْوالاً
saraqat Hindu sirwaalan (Hind stole a pair of trousers.)
سَرَقْتُ سِرْوالاً
saraqtu sirwaalan (I stole a pair of trousers.)
سَرَقْتَ سِرْوالاً
saraqta sirwaalan (You =masc, sing.= stole a pair of trousers.)
سَرَقْتِ سِرْوالاً
saraqti sirwaalan (You =fem., sing= stole a pair of trousers.)
ذَهَبْتُ إِلى فَرَنْسا
thahabtu ilaa faransaa (th is as in the, then) (I went to France.)
ذَهَبْتَ إِلى فَرَنْسا
thahabta ilaa faransaa (You =masc, sing.= went to France.)
ذَهَبَ بِلْ إِلى فَرَنْسا
thahaba bil ilaa faransaa (Bill went to France.)
ذَهَبَتْ كارولُ إِلى فَرَنْسا
thahabat kaaroolu ilaa faransaa (Carol went to France.)
كَسَرَ إِدْريسُ بابَنا
kasara idreesu baabanaa. (Driss broke our door.)
نا (our)
لَعِبَ مَرَدونا في إِسْبانْيا
la'iba maradona fee isbaanya (Maradona played in Spain.)
أَكَلَ سَميرُ تيناً
akala sameeru teenan (Samir ate figs.)
أَكَلَتْ سَميرَةُ مَوْزاً
akalat sameeratu mawzan (Samira ate bananas.)
أَكَلْتُ حَلْوى
akaltu halwaa (I ate a cake.)
أَكَلْتَ خُبْزي
akalta khubzee (You =masc, sing.= ate my bread )
أَكَلْتِ تُفَّاحَتي
akalti tuffaahatee (You =fem, sing.= ate my apple. )
But the lessons in this blog do not contain Arabic letters. I used English letters only.
See the links :
katabat saalee kitaaban. (Sally wrote a book.)
كَتَبْتُ كِتاباً
ka كَ
ta تَ
b بْ
tu تُ
katabtu kitaaban. (I wrote a book.)
كَتَبْتَ كِتاباً
katabta kitaaban. (You =masc, singular= wrote a book.)
كَتَبْتِ كِتاباً
katabti kitaaban. (You =feminine, singular= wrote a book.)
سَرَقَ بِلْ سِرْوالاً
saraqa bil sirwaalan (Bill stole a pair of trousers.)
سَرَقَتْ هِنْدُ سِرْوالاً
saraqat Hindu sirwaalan (Hind stole a pair of trousers.)
سَرَقْتُ سِرْوالاً
saraqtu sirwaalan (I stole a pair of trousers.)
سَرَقْتَ سِرْوالاً
saraqta sirwaalan (You =masc, sing.= stole a pair of trousers.)
سَرَقْتِ سِرْوالاً
saraqti sirwaalan (You =fem., sing= stole a pair of trousers.)
ذَهَبْتُ إِلى فَرَنْسا
thahabtu ilaa faransaa (th is as in the, then) (I went to France.)
ذَهَبْتَ إِلى فَرَنْسا
thahabta ilaa faransaa (You =masc, sing.= went to France.)
ذَهَبَ بِلْ إِلى فَرَنْسا
thahaba bil ilaa faransaa (Bill went to France.)
ذَهَبَتْ كارولُ إِلى فَرَنْسا
thahabat kaaroolu ilaa faransaa (Carol went to France.)
كَسَرَ إِدْريسُ بابَنا
kasara idreesu baabanaa. (Driss broke our door.)
نا (our)
لَعِبَ مَرَدونا في إِسْبانْيا
la'iba maradona fee isbaanya (Maradona played in Spain.)
أَكَلَ سَميرُ تيناً
akala sameeru teenan (Samir ate figs.)
أَكَلَتْ سَميرَةُ مَوْزاً
akalat sameeratu mawzan (Samira ate bananas.)
أَكَلْتُ حَلْوى
akaltu halwaa (I ate a cake.)
أَكَلْتَ خُبْزي
akalta khubzee (You =masc, sing.= ate my bread )
أَكَلْتِ تُفَّاحَتي
akalti tuffaahatee (You =fem, sing.= ate my apple. )
Affirmative Negative
anaa sa aktubu I will write anaa lan aktuba
I won’t write /
Affirmative Negative
anta sa taktubu you will
write / anta lan taktuba you won’t write / sing masc
Affirmative Negative
anti sa taktubeena you will
write / anti lan taktubee you
won’t write / sing
Affirmative Negative
huwa sa yaktubu he will
write / huwa lan yaktuba he won’t write /
Affirmative Negative
hiya sa taktubu she will
write hiya lan taktuba she won’t write /
Affirmative Negative
antumaa sa taktubaani you will write
/ antumaa lan taktubaa
you won’t write / dual fem / masc
Affirmative Negative
humaa sa yaktubaani they will
write / humaa lan yaktubaa
they won’t write / dual masc
Affirmative Negative
humaa sa taktubaani they will write
/ humaa lan taktubaa
they won’t write dual fem
Affirmative Negative
nahnu sa naktubu we will
write / nahnu lan naktuba we won’t write /
Affirmative Negative
antum sa taktuboona you will write
/ antum lan taktuboo
you won’t write / plur masc
Affirmative Negative
antunna sa taktubna you will
write / antunna lan taktubna you won’t write / plur fem
Affirmative Negative
hum sa yaktuboona they will
write / hum lan yaktuboo
they won’t write / plur masc
Affirmative Negative
hunna sa yaktubna they will
write / hunna lan yaktubna they won’t write / plur fem
But the lessons in this blog do not contain Arabic letters. I used English letters only.
Please note that the coloring is done on purpose. As you will notice, the colors in the Arabic correspond to the colors in the English.
For example :
A : maa ismuk
What’s your name ?
B : ismee bill
My name is
maa corresponds
to What’s
ism corresponds to name
uk corresponds
to your
ee corresponds
to My
A : maa ismuk
What’s your name ?
B : ismee bill
My name is
A : kam sinnuk
How old are you ?
B : sinnee thalaathoona sana(tan) (Items between (...) are optional)
I’m thirty years old.
A : maada ta'mal(u)
What do you
do ?
B : anaa muhandis(un)
I am an engineer.
A : aina ta'mal(u)
Where do you
work ?
B : anaa a'malu fee baarees
work in Paris.
A : hal anta faransee
Are you French ?
B : laa lastu faransiyan
No, I am
not French.
A : min aina anta (masc.)
anti (fem.)
Where are you from ?
B : anaa amreekee
I am American.
A : hal anta mutazawij (masc.)
anti mutazawija (fem.)
Are you married ?
B : laa anaa 'aazib (or
a'zab) (masc.)
anaa 'aazibaa (fem.)
No, I am single.
A : aina anta (a)l aan
Where are you now ?
B : anaa fee manzilee
I am in my house.
at home.
A : hal ta'malu fee
manzilika am fee (al)
Do you
work in your house (at home) or at the
office ?
B : anaa a'malu feehimaa ma'an
work in both (of them).
A : ila
you !
B : ila lliqaa
you !
Shukr an Thank
you !
Symbols for vowels: short i i or e
long i ee
short a a
long a aa
short u u
long u oo
Symbols for vowels: short i i or e
long i ee
short a a
long a aa
short u u
long u oo
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