Tuesday, November 5, 2013


A:                     ma          hada   (masc.)

                      What’s             this?

B:             hadihee       (fem.)       tawilatun

              This         is                         a          table.

A:                  ma            daka

             What          is                          that?

B:                  daka      (masc.)       tilfazun 

           That’s                a      television set.

A:                   ma             hada

              What      is             this?

B:                ana           la         a’rifu          ma       huwa  (masc.)

                 I           don't know       what      this      is.    
A:                 ma           tilka   (fem.)  lashiyae

              What          are               those             things?

B:          ana           la         a’rifu          ma       heya    (fem.)

               I           don't know       what      they    are.

*                          *                            *

Note that the “d” in hada, hadihee and  daka are pronounced as the “th” in “the” and “these”. “tilka  is often used instead of “hateeka”.
Normally, “tilka  is singular, and “hateeka” is plural.

*                          *                            *

A:                     kam          essa’a

             What           time              is               it?

       B:           innaha               alkhamisa

              It’s                  five      o’clock. 

A:                 kam          essa’a

              What          time               is               it?

B:               innaha   assadissa  wannisf

             It’s                  half past six.    

A:                    kam          essa’a

                  What          time               is               it?

B:                  innaha            arrabi’a   illa   rrubu’

             It’s                  a quarter    to   four.                              3:45

A:                       kam          essa’a            al an(a)

               What          time               is               it      now?

B:              ana           la         a’rif(u)        iss-al   ummee

   I           don't know.       Ask    my           mother!

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