Tuesday, November 5, 2013


ana                                         ma'a                        ukhtee

I                       am                  with                       my         sister.

*                                           *                                            *

    anta                                 ma'a                      akheeka

You                  are                 with                       your      brother.

*                                           *                                             *

huwa                                     ma'a                      abeehee

He                     is                  with                        his       father.

*                                           *                                            *
heya                                    ma'a                         ummeeha

She                   is                  with                        her        mother.

*                                           *                                            *
nahnu                                   fee                          manzilina

We                   are                 in                            our        house.

*                                           *                                            *
antum                                  fee                             sayyaratikum

You                  are                 in                            your     car.

*                                           *                                            *

hum                                     fee                            rhurfatihim

They                are                  in                            their     room.

*                         *                         *
A:   hal     anta            ma'a                      akheeka

       Are        you       with                       your      brother?

B:   la        ana              lastu          ma'a     akhee  

      No,          I   am    not              with     my brother.
               ana                             ma'a                        ukhtee

              I      am                        with                    my sister.

A:   hal    huwa                       ma'a                  ummhee

        Is       he                         with                   his       mother?

B:    la     huwa          laysa         ma'a                  ummhee

        No,   he          is      not        with           his       mother.

     huwa                                     ma'a                      abeehee

    He                     is                  with                        his        father.

A:    hal    antum                        fee                            manzilikum

Are      you                              in                       your    house?
B:     na'am       nahnu                     fee                    manzilina

        Yes,      we                   are                 in            our        house.

A:     ayna                       antum

          Where             are you?

B:      nahnu                     fee                    manzilina

            we                   are                 in            our        house.
            (We are at home.)

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